Two Portland sisters, wanted scenery.
May and Darleen are used to Oregon beauty. Roses, azaleas, rhododendron-bordered freeways, shady paths in forested parks, moss-edged roofs. In Nevada? Nope.
All of you who’ve come on a tour with us know you won’t find moss in northeastern Nevada.
A study in contrast for our two friends!
A miles-down-the-valley view from the road that snakes up the mountain to Angel Lake (no guardrail). We overlooked the wild mustang horse valleys of Spruce Mountain with no bushy trees to obscure. Only stubby brush in muted browns, golds, and gray-blue under a robin-egg sky.
We stopped in the Ruby Mountains at the glacier turnoff and breathed the crisp air perfumed lightly with blooming Mountain Mahogany. The creek, this late in the summer, is still sparkling over granite at Road’s End. The welcome sun was hot on our backs. In Lamoille Grove we munched on tomatoes from our garden with beef and turkey sandwiches. The park was quiet except for the four of us and one deer who wandered past our cherry red picnic table (same color as Cowboy John’s van!).
The picture is of Darleen and May and one of those wide Nevada valleys.
Our two well-traveled friends saw contrast this tour! And, what fun to show them!
Thanks, Darleen and May.