I shuttled three hikers July 17 to the Ruby Crest Trail. First step was the pickup at the turnaround in Lamoille (Thomas) Canyon of the Ruby Mountains where they left their car, and where they would finish their trek. Bill, Lori, and Steve are avid hikers of the Sierra mountains so will be comparing “our” [read more…]
Ruby Crest Trail Hike
Joe and Mark’s Ruby Crest Trail Hike
I shuttled Joe from Alaska, and Mark from Reno to Harrison Pass for their Ruby Crest Trail hike. Experienced backpackers they planned a full week for the hike, with the intent of enjoying the flora and fauna on their way. The Ruby Mountains are part of Nevada’s “basin and range” topography: mountain ranges separated by wide sagebrush basins. Mountain ranges [read more…]
Ruby Crest Trail Hike
Ezra, (Spokane), Bob, (Seattle), Jim, (Chicago via Abu Dhabi), and Brent, (Seattle), ran the Ruby Crest Trail in the Rubies IN ONE DAY! I picked them up that morning, June 25, 2:30 am at their hotel in Elko for the shuttle to the trailhead at Harrison Pass where they shouldered what looked to me to be [read more…]
Cowboy John Tour with Dr. and Mrs. Gabel
I toured Dr. and Mrs. Gabel and two young children May 10, Sunday around Elko proper and Spring Creek and into Thomas Canyon, for Reno Diagnostic Center. The family is a camping family (tents!) so they enjoyed seeing the rugged beauty of the Ruby Mountains outside Elko. I am available for business tours as well as [read more…]